
If you’re a part of the church family at Arundel Presbyterian Church, we encourage you to participate in the grace of giving to God’s work among us and through us.

Like any family, we have costs to meet and our only source to meet them is you. And the thing is, we want to do more than just maintain our current efforts.

The need for people on the Gold Coast to meet Jesus is enormous and we have a desire to extend our reach that is both expansive and expensive! But what greater cause is there?! We encourage you to contribute to this cause in a way that is shaped by the gospel.

Find out how to give below…

Direct Deposit

BSB: 124 147
Account Number: 1221 7316


Please Note: A transaction fee of 2.6% + $0.30 AUD per transaction will apply.

Cash or Cheque

Please place your Cash or Cheque donation in the “Everything Box” near the entrance.

Thank you for financially partnering with Arundel Presbyterian Church.